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I was on Gab just a few hours ago and I met the most disrespectful old lady, she was more disrespectful than the typical homophobic people on there telling me to die, at least they didn't attack my spirituality like she did. It all started over a simple comment I made that people should not argue over what shape the Earth is and she took that as an insult and started accusing me of so many different things such as accusing me of being an "FBI agent" which for legal reasons I didn't play along with that and simply said I am not an FBI agent, it would be stupid to even pretend to impersonate them.


Secondly she said I have, "anime stuff on my profile" and called me an "anime watcher" or something along those lines, which isn't even true, I haven't been active on Gab much and I haven't even mentioned anime or posted it, the only anime I have seen was Berserk, Evangelion, and the 90s Pokemon anime as a lad. Maybe she thought I was cosplaying as an anime character if she looked at photos of me some how, as if she looked at my Steam and went to my imgur album or something? Then again, that wouldn't make any sense either as I didn't upload my cosplay photos there.


Thirdly, she mentioned how I only have eight followers on Gab for no reason despite the fact so few people use it, especially my audience, what would it even matter? I should mention, literally none of this had any context, I thought she may have been suffering from some form of ailment because as I've said, the only thing I said was that people should focus on more important things in life than just basic shapes.

I would go into more detail but you can see it for yourself on my Gab profile, I was being as polite as possible and never attempted to start an argument until I was insulted by this lady who calls herself a "teacher" and said I should be her student (no thanks). I'm personally not a very political person but I would be called "far right" due to me speaking the truth and I avoid speaking of politics here due to me wanting to keep the site early 2000s old school, but that is not the problem here as I do not know what her political views are, the only thing I know is that she considers herself a flat Earth person and she treats it as a religion. I even fully respected it at first and asked questions about it in a genuine manner, because I was genuine. This all happened on a content creators Gab post, she said she was friends with him and felt the need to publicly say she was in her 60s and had many offspring for some reason.


The rest of the content creators fans (and himself) were pretty cool though, all of them are Christian, yet this lady proclaims to be yet shows no signs of it what so ever, especially considering this next part which is why I started typing this. After she said I watch anime for some reason she then started mocking who I am spiritually, taking screenshots of my profile displaying my own pixel drawing of my fursona and my own description of who I am and simply mocking it. If any of you know me you know that my furry stuff is who I am as a person inside and outside spiritually and materially. My fursuit and design that I have is more than just something I wear and draw, it means so much to me as it is me, who I am. I also feel as though she mentioned how many children she had as a way to also insult me and my husband, I'm not sure though, why else would she say that? Me and my husband Wolfie are natural and spiritual, very much. We had no trauma causing events happen in our life times even if we suffered through hardships, we grew up in Christian households with good family (for the most part), our purity was never taken or harmed. We are an honest man and man couple who wish to spread word of God Jesus Christ to all, me and my husband are together always for eternity.


There's two reasons I made this post was to tell you, the reader, that if someone ever thinks they can harm your soul, spirituality, or nature they can go wander off back to the caves filled with nobodies they spawned from. Be who you are spiritually, always follow your heart and soul, the people who insult you probably have neither. The reason people insult you is most likely because you are who you are, you are somebody. The second reason I wrote this is just due to how ridiculous this robot-like person was, really, you should check the things that were said. I held back a lot here.