Our Rules / Terms
IF OUR RULES ARE NOT FOLLOWED WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BAN OR DELETE YOUR "TIMELIERG COMPANIONS" ACCOUNT / PROFILE FROM ANY OR ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS, SERVERS, AND SERVICES. --- RULE 1; NO COMPLAINING ABOUT FURRY CONTENT. This is a furry site, even if used by non-furs. Furry content is allowed everywhere and anywhere. --- RULE 2; NO ILLEGAL CONTENT. You agree to never partake in illegal activity, it is against the law. You must follow the law if you are to use this site. If you post illegal content we will take it to the proper authorities along with your IP address and information. Breaking (Rule 2) will result in a permanent ban from all of our services. --- RULE 3; NO SCAMMING, PHISHING, OR OTHER FRAUDULENT BEHAVIOR. You agree to never partake in scamming, phishing, or other fraudulent behavior if you are to use this site. Breaking (Rule 3) will result in a permanent ban from all of our services. --- RULE 4; NO DDOSING OR DOXING. You agree to never steal, compile, or sell another persons personal information without their consent. Breaking (Rule 4) will result in a permanent ban from all of our services. --- RULE 5; NO DISCRIMINATION. You agree to never commit racism, sexism, homophobia and so on. You agree to never harass someone over their race, sex, gender, sexuality, or preferences. No discrimination of race, age, sex, or sexuality. You agree no racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of harassment will take place. It's untrue, dishonest, and deceitful to hate someone for who they are born as naturally and spiritually. It is corrupt, unspiritual, dishonest, and untrue to believe a sexuality, race, sex is bad based on misinformed beliefs. No discrimination of race, age, sex, or sexuality. Homosexuals, Gays, Lesbians, Straights, and Bisexuals have always been natural and always will be. Love is spiritual and great. Breaking (Rule 5) will result in a 2 day ban from all of our services for the first offence, a 7 day ban for the second, and a 30 day ban for the third. A fourth offence is a permanent ban. --- RULE 6; NO PROMOTING SELF HARM OR ABUSE. You agree to never promote and encourage self harm or abuse. Breaking (Rule 6) will result in a permanent ban from all of our services. --- RULE 7; NO IMPERSONATING USERS / MEMBERS. You agree to never impersonate another user, member, or staff for malicious or other intent. Breaking (Rule 7) will result in a 30 day ban from all of our services. --- RULE 8; NO BUG ABUSE OR GLITCHING. You agree to report and message TLGC staff and tell us of a site bug or glitch. You agree not to take advantage of said bugs, glitches, or exploits. You will be given a profile badge / gift for finding a bug, glitch, error, or exploit. Breaking (Rule 8) will result in an 80 day ban from all of our services, but only if the glitch, bug, or exploit gives you an advantage over another user. --- RULE 9; NO GORE / NO ABUSIVE CONTENT. Do not post gore, abusive content, or other real life violent imagery. Breaking (Rule 9) will result in a 30 day ban from all of our services for a first offence, an 80 day ban for a second, and a permanent ban for a fourth offence. --- RULE 10; NO HARASSMENT. Do not harass fellow users on any of our services / platforms. Refer to Rule 5. Do not repeatedly target another user / member. Breaking (Rule 9) will result in a 30 day ban from all of our services for a first offence, an 80 day ban for a second, and a permanent ban for a fourth offence. --- RULE 11; NO TRADING TLGC VIRTUAL CURRENCY, ITEMS OR ACCOUNTS FOR REAL WORLD CURRENCY. Do not trade our own virtual currency, items, or accounts from our site or video games for real world currency, our own items and currency do not have real world value. We do not provide refunds or cash for our virtual goods. Breaking (Rule 9) will result in a 30 day ban from all of our services for a first offence, an 80 day ban for a second, and a permanent ban for a fourth offence. --- RULE 12; NO ACCOUNT SHARING. Do not share your TLGC account with other users, the same is said for our other services such as internet based video games / servers we provide. You are safe to use a VPN on any of our platforms / services, we do not ban based on IP changes. Breaking (Rule 12) will result in a permanent ban from all of our services. --- RULE 13; NO SPAM. Do not flood our boards, sites, services, and or platforms with spam or advertising. Advertising itself is allowed, such as advertising your own sites or services as long as they follow our terms. Breaking (Rule 13) will result in a 5 day ban from all of our services. --- Thank you for reading our rules. You can attempt to appeal a ban by contacting Head Companions or by using the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of our site, ( https://www.timelierg.com/ ) with the title, "ban appeal". Some bans cannot be appealed depending on the situation and rule broken.