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51kc Armadyl Cbow on My I...
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Posers in video games.
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  7kc Zammy Spear on My Iron
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-27-2024, 04:42 PM - Forum: TimeLierG Blog / Archive - No Replies

My live reaction can be watched here;



I hope God blesses you with the same luck I've been having.

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  Posers in video games.
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-26-2024, 06:41 AM - Forum: TimeLierG Blog / Archive - No Replies

This is a repost from my X, I wanted to share it here as well as it really does need to be shown and awareness needs to be raised for this kind of behavior.

" I mention this a lot but it's something that demotivates me from playing games, not even just online ones, what exactly is the point of watching someone play a game for you as though you have a severe disability and then proceeding to show off something you didn't earn like stolen valor? Is this a form of cuckoldry? I'm not trying to be funny cause it really does irk me. 

I feel like these are the same people who act as posers to others hobbies and pretend to fit in, people who should have been gatekept, normies if you will. If you don't enjoy video games then why do you play them? Do you want others to think you are cool by lying and then getting caught later because you lack the skill, time, effort or will the other person who made his own progress on your account does? 

Me and my husband share our time together in OSRS and other servers, showing each other our progress that we made, we find the idea of account sharing atrocious and gross, it's like you are wearing the other persons skin, using their identity, it's the same with botting but some how more pathetic. I actually did introduce him to the game some years ago (he started playing more recently) by letting him walk around for a bit, I couldn't imagine being so low and so bad you need someone to play a game for you, a 2001 medieval MMO. You want to fake having skill or fake having dedication in a 2001 MMO, please reevaluate your life and improve yourself, I truly mean that."


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  Crescent Quest 1.8.2 - Christmas and Y2K Event 2024
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-23-2024, 01:30 PM - Forum: Update Notes - No Replies

This is Crescent Quests most special Christmas event yet, being right behind the upcoming ten year anniversary event I wanted to make this Christmas an even better one and a very nostalgic and cozy one as well. Cressora Town and Lusnayin City have been decorated with a lot of festive charm, while drawing these decorations and adding them to the game I have become very fond of the new look of Lusnayin and I might keep the decorations there after the event is over, having Lusnayin be permanently associated with this holiday. Lusnayin City was inspired by a city / hub from another game which also had it's fair share of events, including a Christmas one and I think it fits very well with this new (old?) look.

You may notice that some of the new item sprites / designs added in this update look different from the usual ones, that is because for the first time some of them are not made by me! As you know my games have been made solely by me, aside from the engine itself doing some of the work, for the first time we have another artist working on item designs, I would like to introduce BuddytheWolf, he has never done pixel art or art in general before and I have been teaching him how it's done the last few weeks. He is a perfect fit for the game!

There is also a nostalgic Y2K event alongside the Christmas one, you can obtain a new pair of glasses at the Cressora event portal for a short time.

Here are the updates for Crescent Quest 1.8.2.

* Added a new Christmas themed title screen, it is different from previous years.

* Added the 2000 Glasses.

* Added more Christmas related items including the Santslimius Hat, Festive Present 2024, Peppermints, Candy Cane Staff, Sword and Bow, Mistletoe Staff, Candy Cane Kit, Frozen Candy Cane Kit and more. The Santslimius Hat and Festive Present 2024 will be discontinued and unobtainable after the event is over.

* Added a peak at a new area in the Keedbalt outskirts, a volcanic location has been added around 2014 but was removed shortly after, I have been working on bringing it back recently, it is mostly being added for a new quest involving Wynion. Sentloer and Endor.

* Added a monorail system, kind of. It's not finished yet but you can look at it at least, it's found in one location currently, that being south of the abandoned Keedbalt factory. This will be used for quests in the future among other things.

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  51kc Armadyl Cbow on My Iron
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-21-2024, 01:39 AM - Forum: TimeLierG Blog / Archive - Replies (3)

I recorded me getting it live, the drop can be watched at these links!


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  The Christmas 2024 event is coming soon!
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-19-2024, 01:10 AM - Forum: Newsbag - No Replies

I just spent almost all of my day into the next morning working on the next Crescent Quest update, mostly the Christmas event for this year. It is in dedication to those close to me and all players of the game who have entered or will enter the world of Reltionus. For the first time someone other than myself is contributing to the development of the game, BuddytheWolf will be making a few Christmas related sprites for the mentioned event.

Some of you know how much it bothers me to let anyone else touch my projects, how it all has to be in my vision otherwise to me, it "doesn't feel like my own", but I have put that aside the past two years and have been training two people who are close to me on how the development of the game goes, slowly showing them all of my documents and ramblings related to lore, characters, everything to do with said characters, their personalities, items in the game and inspirations for many designs, everything.

I know I have mentioned this before but I have a hard time putting into words how much I care for those who have played my (our) games, I'm always checking for discussions about them online and when I see someone enjoying the games I made they are always in my mind and I add things in the next updates I think they will like in relation to their comments. Throughout my life I was always punished so to say for showing my emotions so I had always kept them to myself for the most part until I met my husband Wolfie, he will also be helping my games along in the future even if it is with simple things.

Thank you to my eternal husband Wolfie who I care about more than anything else, to our close friends, to the players, to God, Jesus Christ, His Angels and Kami. All of you have given me the strength to pick up the pen and write, the brush to paint my creativity on the canvas of life. Bless you all.

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  Speed Highway at Dawn... Home.
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-17-2024, 12:11 AM - Forum: Video Games Board - No Replies


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  Stray from The Materialistic
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-12-2024, 04:53 PM - Forum: TimeLierG Blog / Archive - No Replies

I usually look up my name online to see what others are saying and I've seen these same types of comments around five times in total, each time I ask them to elaborate they refuse. 

"right wing Christian furry"
"gay Shintoist Christian furry, this bait is fresh"

It's as though their material brain and lack of soul makes it so that they cannot think outside of their small, self imposed belief system. They cannot explain how something contradicts another, this is because it doesn't. I think I know who made these posts as well, especially the one posting my Steam on /v/ as they have been doing it for some time after they blocked me, my husband and our friends on other sites. It should be stated that these posts all type the same way as well, including the same spelling mistakes.

1. I follow God, Jesus Christ who I pray to every few days. 2. I follow Shinto, the Kami, nature spirits and give offerings to them at their shrine. 3. As for sexuality, that is self explanatory and meaningless to discuss when it comes to spirituality or a hobby. 4. While furry stuff is a hobby it is more spiritual to me and why I consider myself a Therian, not in the typical sense, as in my visions of the Afterlife which I believe came from an early near death experience I see my true self, it's what my "fursona" is, it is me and there are examples of this throughout history of others seeing themselves in a similar way while looking different than me.

There was one guy off of /v/ who tried to explain how it "contradicts" and he tried to explain a newly translated bible quote to me, if I'm speaking on spiritual terms and you bring me a material book, written and translated by humans who may not be spiritual, interpreted by (likely) material beings, I apologize but I am not going to take you seriously. I do not follow a book that can be tampered with over time, what cannot be tampered with is the soul and eternal glory of Christ. While the story of Christ may have changed with time His legacy lives on. But do go on, proclaim and solidify your ignorance and arrogance to knowledge, be "proud" of your refusal to learn or elaborate when questioned, it only makes others discredit you and see you as a repeater, someone bandwagoning off the closed in beliefs spawned from an aging society which brought on a countless number of terrible and broken beliefs / ideologies.

I've been told this could be the result of jealously as well, while I won't rule that out I genuinely think they just can't think for themselves outside of their closed in, boxed up society bubble driven beliefs. I guess that in itself can lead to jealously if they want to think like those different than them do. Either way, God bless!

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  Crescent Quest 1.8.1 - Patriotic Event
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-11-2024, 08:01 AM - Forum: Update Notes - No Replies

Hello, Crescent Knights! Crescent Quest is now free to play on the platforms / services it has been released on, as explained in a prior post, the price increase to the game was due to a personal issue I was experiencing in my life, for those who have purchased Crescent Quest before this point I would like to make things right by adding what you want into the game whether it be a tribute, self insert, a name in the credits, a content idea or something else. You can write a request on our forums or message me personally.

I want to let those of you who have supported this game know that you helped me and those close to me greatly, there's no amount of thanks that I can give for what you all have done for me so I would like to act on your ideas for Crescent Quest. I will be adding what you desire in a lore friendly way should what you want be in the world of Reltionus itself.

Here are the update notes for Crescent Quest 1.8.1.

* Added the Patriotic Event, for a limited time you can obtain the Patriotic Cape from the event portal in Cressora Town, this cape will be discontinued after the event is over! If you all would like this cape as a cosmetic to be worn on your character then let me know and I will make it into a Cilvisage Emblem.

This cape is part of the genuine item program so you can ask for it on the forums of our site and I'll apply it to your profile. (PS, I really like the design for the cape I made, I know it's just a copy paste of the Eclipse Cape but still.)

* Fixed a few graphical issues around Myrevane.
* Fixed an issue with melee animations not playing with certain weapons.
* Fixed the outdated sprite of the Ivory Fruit.
* Added Weremyres to the game. Halloween related equipment has a slight effect on them.
* Added another source for the Aged Angelic Rock.
* Added more scenery around the world and other realms.
* Added a Fire Kit and Eternal Fire Kit to shops. These are inaccessible in Henodran Mode.
* Added more cooking fires around Keedbalt.
* Updated New Lusnayin to include more information about the game.

Have a wonderful time in and out of Crescent Quest and God bless!

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  This month is amazing, many updates to come!
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-09-2024, 01:53 AM - Forum: Site Updates / News - No Replies

I have been very motivated, uplifted these last few days, there is so much energy. I will be releasing a site update soon which will also include more profile customization. Crescent Quest will be receiving a new area and quest in this months update, the new quest is a requirement to enter said new area which can be found in the Keedbalt Outskirts.

There are plans to re-release the y2k event we held on our site previously with new rewards, these rewards are as follows...

* Nostalgic Glasses - Obtained when signing into the site from January 1st - March 5th.
* Nostalgic Egg - Rare drop when making a post or replying to a post.
* Transparent Handheld - Rare drop when making a post or replying to a post.

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  NightDirge 1.0.9 - Patriotic Update
Posted by: TimeLierG - 11-07-2024, 09:18 AM - Forum: Update Notes - No Replies

* Added the Freedom Cape and Freedom Shield.

* Added the Patriotic Brew.

* Added a new status effect called "Deranged".

* Added more items in the Crimson Woods.

* Adjusted the stats of the playable characters.

* Adjusted the HP of specific foes.

* The Halloween event has been extended.

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