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Life is precious.
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Crescent Quest 1.7.9 - Cr...
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Crescent Quest available ...
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What are "secluded experiences"? |
Posted by: TimeLierG - 08-20-2024, 09:06 PM - Forum: Secluded Experiences
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You / we can create are / your own game related events here, these events consist of us coming together and experiencing games both new and old that we have no information on and know next to nothing about. It's an escape from the wider internet where everything is datamined in under a day. We can have our own sense of discovery here. Make a post and let's play something together.
There is a rule specifically for this board, you must not spoil anything you've read about online outside of this place when an event is taking place, you must have found what you are talking about on your own or by others here in our community who also follow the same rule.
Life is precious. |
Posted by: TimeLierG - 08-19-2024, 10:07 PM - Forum: TimeLierG Blog / Archive
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When my father was younger his doctor told him he would never be able to have children, my older half brother, Jeremiah, was born with a hole in his heart and has not lived long in this material world. Despite the indescribable grief my father was happy he could see his face in this world before the next in the Afterlife. After this I was born with a few problems, on top of this also being mutilated at birth which some would call "circumcision", I struggled most as a child but I have always been the happiest despite me only having a relationship with my father with very few "friends" if you could call them that. As I grew up I started to have actual friends around 2015 and then met my husband a few years later. I have been hurt a lot but my soul was never injured, I learned how cruel the world is at a young age so I grew hardened and enjoyed life because of it, my will to live is the will of millions like me who lived and died with their faith, our love of God and life, of nature.
There are soulless hylics who prey on the unborn and those being born, they think I shouldn't live and that their children should be aborted, there is something they should know, we live. You can try to tear us limb from limb inside of the womb, you can try to insult us, you can try to shout and scream when you don't get your way but that child is more mature than you are and will ever be, it's our choice to live, it's the babies choice to live and a whore has no say in it, you will never be able to destroy that child's soul no matter how much you try to rip us apart, those like me, me and those like me will always be together. There are centers in the Afterlife who care for the young deceased, but there is also a place for those who originally harmed them and it's worse than any depiction of hell you have seen, the Christian hell cannot compare. Our soul our choice. It will always be our choice despite what yours is in this material world, it's our choice what to do with you in the Afterlife. We will remember for eternity.
Crescent Quest 1.7.9 - Crescent Freedom |
Posted by: TimeLierG - 08-16-2024, 09:15 AM - Forum: Update Notes
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If you would like to know why there is a delay in updates for the Steam release of Crescent Quest then check our forums on my website! This is Crescent Quest version 1.7.9, where you have a lot more options to do what you want to do, God bless!
* Added the "Workers in Peril" quest, help a factory worker who is trapped below the Cilganian Company by taking the key he gives you and uncover an endless corruption which pours from within the cold and stagnant walls of a company within the Amserith Kingdom which was recently taken over by new, modern hires. The higher ups of the company seem to be halting the freedom of their workers and consumers, they can't even use their freedom of speech anymore! It's stated by locals around the Amserith Kingdom that the company recently started cooperating with another business who tells the Cilganian Company how to increase their profits by diversifying their stock of the now faulty items, alienating the consumer base! Will you investigate this corruption, Crescent Knights?
* Added the "B'han Hammer", "Soyployee Staff", and "Spineless Dagger" equipment. The B'han Hammer used by the powerless employees at the Cilganian Company only works on weaker foes who are more likely of having the "scared" effect, it has no effect on foes with the non-caring or holy status. You can obtain these items from within the corrupt company if you have enough negative "ESJ" points from getting rid of propaganda around the company.
* Added the "Hurt Feefees" throwable item. When used it has a chance to make certain emotional, manipulable foes cry and tell the teach!
* Extended the length of the Crescent Dash ability / spell, you will travel further depending on your Swifting experience.
* Added "Swifting Boots", when worn these will increase the length of the Crescent Dash ability / spell.
* Increased the Renown requirement for the boot chest.
* Updated the Cressora Castle basement.
* Early game spells require less Energy to use.
Steam release frozen - Valve is unprofessional. |
Posted by: TimeLierG - 08-12-2024, 05:21 AM - Forum: Newsbag
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Hello everyone, updates for the Steam release of Crescent Quest are halted due to the unprofessionalism of Valve, apparently a community ban on a developers Steam account some how prevents the developer from using Steamworks fully making the developer not able to use their own discussions, events, announcements and more they rightfully purchased with the fee for uploading an app.
Keep in mind, this is a billion dollar company that allows user mods within the Steam community to ban someone. These bans are not given by employees but user mods. A single miscreant who licked Valves boots enough to become a forum mod is capable of shutting down entire businesses / companies / developers that put themselves on Steam. The developer account of, I don't know, FromSoftware could get banned and they wouldn't be able to, as an example, warn players of that online hacking situation that happened last year (or the year before). Why does a single Steam user with mod privileges have that ability? This is completely unreasonable, imagine banning someone for the right of their free speech and having what they paid for taken away, having their entire business on Steam taken away.
I have sent two Steam support tickets in with no response from Valve, I did get one response for a third ticket I made before these two, I asked what the reason was for the ban and the support agent said it was justified and completely ignored me. One of my new tickets was a data request for the ban, the other one was a message to the Steam Team of Steamworks asking if this ban truly is the cause of me not being able to use Steamworks (I know it is but I'm still appalled by it and wanted to question them on this decision). I really don't care if my game is on Steam or not, I will take it down if need be, if I decide to do this I will let Valve know I want my percentage of the money that's left that I earned, I don't care about the initial fee.
I want to let everyone know that this will not affect updates outside of Steam, I will be making my game available for purchase here or on another platforms and I will keep making updates as usual. Valve, a company that works with the undesirable SBI has been losing respect and support from many individuals and companies over time, some might say they don't need anyone's support but if you ban your entire consumer base for using the wrong words (if that's even what I was banned for) then you have an extreme loss of revenue and growth, it may seem unlikely but even the largest companies, businesses, corporations can decay over time and be replaced with new ones.
I will be providing updates on this situation. The current date is 8/11/2024.
Devs making MMOs easier over time. |
Posted by: TimeLierG - 08-06-2024, 03:59 AM - Forum: TimeLierG Blog / Archive
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Don't you just love when developers of an online game make all of your prior progress and accomplishments meaningless by adding ways to progress through the game easier, get faster experience rates, add or remove features, alter mechanics, add "quality of life improvements" and change things to cater towards new players over the player base that has been playing for ten, twenty or thirty or more years? Most of the time it's new employees of a company who do this after the original developers leave, all original intent is gone or left at the whim of the newer gen "fomo" anxiety ridden individuals or older gen ones who say they don't have time to play video games so the game should be made easier to progress in, ruining the experience for everyone else just so they can get home and get a few 99s in a matter of minutes without feeling accomplished then go to sleep.
I play quite a few RSPSs but I have recently been playing OSRS again with the intent to max my ironman main and I can't help but be bothered every time I sign in and get to work, the addition of new skilling outfits that give you a 1.2% or more experience boost in specific skills, items like the fish barrel, I had an issue with Wintertodt but at least it does not give you more firemaking experience than just lighting logs so that's an example of a good change. I don't mind the tomb of fire either or new tools like the crystal axe after the Song of The Elves quest because of the requirements to obtain it, there should be new changes and some quality of life changes, new content is one of the reasons as to why the game is as alive as it is now but that is also debatable considering 2006scape had what, 400k - 600k users registered? I might be incorrect on those numbers. Anyway, another thing that irked me was smaller things such as Jagex adding a new death talisman that is apparently (didn't look into it too much) easily obtainable by ironmen which bypasses what I had to do for Mourning's End Part II. If something is negating the progress I and others have already done years and and makes me say "I should have just played the game later in life" that is absolutely bad game design and should be frowned upon.
Why would I want to spend 400 hours achieving level 99 in a skill when I can wait a few years and do it in 200 hours instead? It makes me feel terrible like I shouldn't even bother to play the game, OSRS is turning into RS3 whether players want to admit that or not, who needs atrocious microtransaction shops when they just put the same kind of rewards you get from it inside the game itself? Think about it, the squeal of fortune / treasure hunter rewards are in OSRS, they added so many alchables and skilling items as boss drops that the economy is in ruins, they are adding teleports and clothing that enhances experience rates that makes the game easier, what's the point? RuneScape by Jagex in the future is just going to be something without substance, it will be nothing because everyone, all players will always have everything given to them before they even begin and all past / veteran players will feel alienated just like they already do with RS3 and have felt since late RS2.
The most well known player Zezima has stated during an interview that he quit due to "the game becoming progressively easier over time" and that he "lost a sense of accomplishment which I worked hard to achieve.". I feel bad for everyone from any MMO who has had their progress, achievements and accomplishments thrown down the drain. Do you remember when Jagex also tried to make quests easier because new players kept quitting the game early as stated by their analytics team? I remember two quests, Waterfall Quest (which is funny because this is one of the easiest quests in the game) and Underground Pass. Imagine the look on the folks faces who have gotten 200m xp in a skill only for Jagex to release 2.5% exp increasing outfits right after, I'm not saying the game should be catered to any specific group like those going for 200m, pures, or ironmen but it's still something to think about.
I'm just currently demotivated when playing OSRS and going for max.
Price, Library and Store Updates |
Posted by: TimeLierG - 08-03-2024, 11:33 AM - Forum: Newsbag
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Greetings, Companions and Crescent Knights, I have some Crescent Quest news. I have graphically updated the Crescent Quest Steam store page as well as adjusted the price for the game, previously the game was $4.99 now it is $9.99. The reason for the price increase was due to how much the game has evolved and looking at the value of other indie games around the same price. I mentioned in the past that this project was never about the money and it still isn't however I think it's a more than fair price for what it is and I can use the additional revenue for future projects which I am already working on.
The demo for the game is still up and more prominent on the store page and it will always remain there, the free version still allows you to experience some hours of Crescent Quest.
You may have noticed the game in your library looks different (and better, at least in my opinion) as well. I have also graphically updated the game there as well as other areas across Steam. More profile avatars have been added, some exclusive ones exist locally in the files for those who own Crescent Quest. Thank you all for your support and love for the world of Reltionus, let us keep this world here for all of eternity.