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  Crescent Quest 1.6.9
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-31-2023, 11:17 AM - Forum: Update Notes - No Replies

Here are the update notes for Crescent Quest 1.6.9.

* A New Years Ribbon has been added to the event portal in Cressora Town for a limited time. This is not a discontinued item.

* I have removed all of the anti-cheat features from the game, it was making the game run slower and I don't see a point to it, obviously folks are going to find ways around it and if players want to show off their earned achievements and accomplishments then they can record themselves playing the game live and showing they were at events at certain dates should they truly have discontinued holiday items or other rare event items that were earned.

* A small part of the Ralresphos Kingdom has been added, it can now be visited. It's far above Keedbalt to the north and was supposed to be accessible with the Winter Tribunal update but I had to delay it for some time. It can be accessed at the Lusnayin City dock.

* Certain quest oversights have been corrected, if you were unable to complete a quest then look for new characters around the quest locations. These characters will check for any errors on your save file and fix them for you.

* All furniture in the players home has been unlocked by default, this was due to an error where any purchased furniture would be removed when a player leaves the home.

* Fixed an issue with players walking around with Santa gloves on their feet.

* I am once again removing the music from the game, it is to be replaced with newer music eventually. If you still hear music in the game then please disable it from your inventory under key items and then select settings to do so.

* Altered the amount of Health restored when consuming fish.

* Updated the design of the default player character. Any costumes will remain the same with the older design and any new costumes will display the newer design. This new default design will now display differences depending on the species the player chooses during the character creation at the beginning of the game.

I hope this New Years brings you an endless joy. Thank you for being with us into this new year.

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  Companions Christmas 2023 - Snow Storm
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-24-2023, 06:44 AM - Forum: Companion Party Room - No Replies

Hello Companions, here are the items you may obtain during the event which will take place on December 14th 2023. As usual the items are obtained by posting, even when replying to someone. I'm sure everyone knows by now this is a manual process, I use a random number generator to decide when to give an item to a user. It may take some time for the item to appear on your profile should you receive one.

* CQ Anniversary Cake.
* Ice Staff.
* Jolly Pendant - Obtained by signing into the site in December 2023. This item will become discontinued after.

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  Undertale Yellow - Ceroba Ketsukane
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-20-2023, 12:39 AM - Forum: Drawing / Artwork Board - No Replies

I love the character designs from Undertale Yellow so I made this. 


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  Crescent Quest 1.6.8 - 9th Anniversary Event
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-17-2023, 08:27 PM - Forum: Update Notes - No Replies

Here are some of the updates for Crescent Quest 1.6.8.

It's not quite the ten year anniversary yet but we will still make this event a splendid one, come join us in the game and obtain 9th anniversary costumes, consumables, spells, and other items!

It has been a long time since I first started planning out the game in 2014 and releasing prototype versions of it for my friends to enjoy, I know I have mentioned this a few times but the game was not always called "Crescent Quest", there were many names I came up with until I decided on the name it is now. Even though some of the areas, items, and characters are the same the game was quite a bit different, I suppose it was a lot more simple back then. I appreciate all who have walked through the world of Reltionus whether you arrived in it nine years ago or today, thank you all.

Here's some updates, as usual I keep most updates secret for the players.

* Working on adding the "Crescent Quest Radio" item, this is a non-canon item that can be enabled under your key items tab and upon enabling it you may listen to the music of the game and recorded broadcasts from me and my friends, us acting out as characters in the game, as ourselves giving you trivia or even offering you Chyfrinx eggs and other items.

* Added a new kind of ore and log to the game, these can be made into different kinds of equipment and can be mined or chopped at lower experience levels.

* Added classes to the game upon leaving the starting isle of New Lusnayin. I was debating on implementing this for many years now as I think every player starting almost the same is a good thing but I also feel as though if I did add classes to the game it would allow for more variety. Classes do not effect the late game at all, it will only effect the first few hours of the game as each class gives you different tools and a small amount of experience.

* Added bucklers, a new type of shield for those that like to use crossbows or other ranged weapons. As with other ranged armor you won't be able to use melee while wearing it.

* Added combat types to the spells selection, you can choose what experience you prefer receiving more with this setting. These will also increase one or more of your stats.

* Someone new has shown up around the abandoned Keedbalt Factory, he moved some of the fences and is planning to build something there.

* Certain areas now have more detail. I will continue to enhance the look of more towns and cities throughout the game.

* The Christmas event is still going on, I have updated the items you receive from the sleigh during the event and fixed a few more graphical issues on New Cressora. If you experienced a situation where you could not complete the quest at the inn then speak with the new character sitting at one of the tables.

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  Getting a second bodysuit soon plus more.
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-14-2023, 02:13 AM - Forum: Fursuits - No Replies

Going to fix up my fursuit slightly to look like my spiritual Therian self more. I'm also going to get a second bodysuit, one that I can show off publicly.


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  Crescent Quest available at Internet Cafes.
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-05-2023, 01:19 PM - Forum: Newsbag - No Replies

Crescent Quest is now available to be played at / in internet cafes and other public spaces. The cafe version of Crescent Quest will be running a few versions behind the standard Steam version unless there is an upcoming holiday event in which case both will be up to date with the latest release so nobody misses out.

The cafe version will contain slight differences in the form of one character named Gaita who will trade you exclusive items which can then be transferred back to the standard version of Crescent Quest through your save file. These cosmetic only items include a Crescent Coffee and the Tea Hat. One is worn in your paw / hand and the other is worn on your head.

If you are the owner of an online cafe, arcade, or another fitting public space with computers where your visitors and or customers are welcomed inside to sit down and play a few games then consider purchasing a Crescent Quest Commercial License here...


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  History of RuneScape Trilogy Review Part 1
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-05-2023, 09:58 AM - Forum: Video Games Board - No Replies

I'm not sure if I will finish these "ebooks" as the author calls it, it's riddled with errors, spelling mistakes, blatantly wrong information, and more despite them saying they researched the game since 2010 and started playing RuneScape in 2008, despite them saying they read every single patch note and update post from the year 2000 up until a certain date, despite them saying they found some of the first RuneScape players like Rab and even one of the Gowers. I bought this book for five euros (seven USD) in hopes that it would contain information for my own personal RSC / RS2 archive that I have had for a long time but I'm fifty pages in and it looks like these books won't have anything new for me to add despite it claiming there's "never before seen" content within, which hey, there might be like it says, I know I'm only a half hour into the books but still, I can already tell there's not going to be much for me in here. As a side note, due to these kinds of people releasing these books and others claiming to be "RuneScape historians" I will not be releasing some content I have within my archives, I have some data caches, images, and other things that are lost media in regards to RuneScape.

The first book lists some credits to others which is ironic considering one of the credits goes to "RSWillMissIt" who actively never credits anyone in videos and takes footage from other people without permission, including my own. Upon purchasing the book for five euro, one euro of it goes to a charity of Jagex's choice which is questionable as they have donated to an organization once that burned down cities before.

The book begins with DeviousMUD and makes a seemingly false statement which should be listed as speculation, that speculation being that DeviousMUD was "the base for RuneScape" without citing a source. On page 25, in the 2000 - 2001 section, the author for some reason mentions "lodestones" not being in the game yet as well as the Grand Exchange and then later on mentions how "combat is legacy combat". I don't think I need to say why this is weird to bring up in a 2000 - 2001 version of RSC / RS1. On the same page they also mention how skills are missing such as hunter and runecrafting, why bring up RS2 skills? Why bring up EoC? The article goes on to say that the Gowers called this era of the game the "beta launch" and then mentions how "it's an appropriate name if we now know that around 95% of the content that exists today was still missing". Hey author, buddy, the Gowers stopped working on the game a LONG time ago, some things past 2005 were never planned to be implemented by then as if they had an entire planning list that scaled 20+ years ahead of time.

"Paul ended up designing the world map for it and Ian joined the project a little later to draw the graphics together
with Andrew. Ian also designed the player-ID kid." - What the hell is a "player-ID kid"? The author is clearly talking about the PID system but, what?

Despite the author saying they started playing the game in 2008, despite them saying they did research and looked over every update and patch note for the game since the year 2000, they some how don't have any specifics when it comes to certain dates or when certain things happened such as the release of certain rune equipment, at this point I just wanted to return the virtual book I have just purchased, not only do they not know the release dates of certain equipment, they think all rune equipment was released on the same day earlier in the article. Oddly enough they say and I quote, "Ian confirmed that rune armour, which required level 40 in the Melee skills" - What? Is this something I missed? I played RuneScape Classic, I archived enough to know what you only need / needed defence to equip rune armor. Page 28, why the hell did you make the page sideways? Do you want me to read all of this PDF document on my phone? Page 29, please stop saying "game mechanism" just say game mechanic.

"A so-called three-round combat system was in effect, with each round referring to one cycle of a player attacking an opponent and the opponent retaliating. This, of course, is not weird because that is also how combat works today"

What the actual...? This was NEVER a thing after RSC was done with. Players have been free to roam in combat and eat whenever, there are no "turns" in that sense in RS2. Did this author even play the game?

Page 34, "Although Runecrafting did not exist yet, runes could already be purchased in Varrock’s runes shop," - Not all of them, especially not blood runes.

Page 35 "The role of bows in RS1 was to determine the type of arrows that could be used. For example, rune arrows required a yew bow or better." - I noticed this a few times in the book already, they say "required" as in it's not required anymore when speaking of RSC, when a lot of these things still apply to RS2, you still need a yew
bow or better to use rune arrows and you still need 40 defence to wear rune armor.

Page 36, the author once again mentions in a very simple way that rune and dragon armor were released but never mentions when they were aside from mentioning dragon weapons releasing in "February of 2002". For such an absurdly important thing to be added to the game the author spends only two sentences writing about it. "Some dragon-type items followed in 2002 and 2003, but the platebody and platelegs were never released in RS1." - You mean chainbody? The platebody was never a thing in RS2 either.

The author mentions if you want the highest magic bonus you would have to wear, "a blue wizards hat, wizards robe, a robe of zamorak, sapphire amulet of magic, god cape and either a battlestaff or enchanted battlestaff". This is incorrect, the zamorak robe top gives one less magic bonus but makes up for it in prayer bonus. Also just like in RS2 the part about the battlestaves are not correct at all, they give the same magic bonus as a regular elemental staff. Notice how the author mentions a regular, non-elemental battlestaff which has worse magic bonus than a regular elemental staff as well as an elemental battlestaff. By the way, just like in RS2 having an enchanted battlestaff just means it increases the melee bonuses of the staff, that's why it's called a BATTLEstaff.

Page 37, "Longbows are called shieldbows in RuneScape today" - What the hell is up with modern RS?

Page 39, "The banks expanded their services to include items as well, which was a Guthix-sent gift from heaven." Heaven isn't in the RuneScape / Gielinor universe or it's realms, I suppose the author doesn't want to mention "God" because they are a loser with no family life, it's most likely why any mention of God in the books are uncapitalized.

Page 43, "If you were never lucky enough to do the original tutorial, then I highly recommend creating an account for Old School RuneScape, which still uses the original tutorial today." - It does not, this is incorrect, I thought we were just discussing RSC / RS1? There were a few changes to the island over time, not every one is the same.

Page 44, "A little fun fact about skilling in RS1 is that a white think bubble would appear above a player’s head when skilling." This PDF is just false advertising at this point, it said it's marketed to both old players and new players yet states something so blatantly obvious it looks like a joke. What's the next "fun fact", that rune armor was originally a dark brownish / purple? Actually, why didn't they mention that in the book? I actually have the real, unreleased, original sprites in my own archive of what it looked like.

I have to take a break from reading this book already, I will post an update if I continue reading more of it.

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  Crescent Quest Mail #1 - Introduction
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-03-2023, 09:10 AM - Forum: Newsbag - No Replies

Hello, Crescent Knights. Welcome to the introduction of Crescent Quest Mail where you can send in your own questions, ideas, or fan created content to be included in the mail bag. If you would like to submit something then email me at logan@timelierg.com. You can be anonymous or include your username along with the questions, idea, or fan content. By submitting a question, idea, or piece of artwork you agree that you own the rights to said work and also agree to give me the rights to use said work.

It is currently December 3rd 2023, let's read some older questions or ideas that players had before the introduction of Crescent Quest Mail. I will be paraphrasing within the quotes.

* "If I recall, this is a furry game so add an out of the place goblin girl who has her ------- ---- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------- like a two part cape."

~ From Anonymous.

I had to censor some of that there, it's rather... risque. Crescent Quest is indeed partially a furry game, you can play as yourself if you are a furry and use your fursona to truly be your spiritual self, I have been working on adding more variety when it comes to that as the anthro customization mostly just looks like a combination of a wolf and fox currently with no other options for other species such as avians, reptiles, dragons, insects like spiders, and so on. It's not too hard to make, I have my own self in the game as well that's inaccessible to other players, unless someone tries to name themselves after me... Don't get any ideas now!

Moving on to the suggestion, I simply cannot include that sort of sprite in the game! There is an age rating I must follow. However, I have added goblins to the game due to your suggestion, there's even a Christmas event quest with a goblin in it now, all thanks to you. The goblins in question don't have "two part capes" though, as you call them.

* "i thinkus there should be hp bars above the enemies so i know when they are aboutus dyus"

~ From Pongus.

Hello, Pongus. That was in the game at one point but I have since removed it, the HP would sometimes appear on top of the foes sprites. I have always wanted that feature in the game, it was always meant to be there but I never had gotten around to it. I would like players to react based on the amount of health the foe has, it allows them to strategize more and also have those moments where a boss and the player are almost at one percent of their health and they either pull through or lose. I suppose you could memorize the amount of HP a character has, aha. I will see if I can implement health bars again.

* "Will there be more kinds of trees to cut, fish to fish, and rocks to mine eventually?"

~ From Vorneus28

Greetings, Vorneus28. There are already different types of trees and ores I am working on now, so much so that they are already in the game data, I just haven't implemented them yet. There are no new types of fish, however. New species of fish will be added in the future. In a few days one new kind of tree and one new kind of ore will be added, it won't be the best thing to cut or mine and is for lower experience levels. In regards to mining, Crescent Ore will still be the most powerful ore you can mine and smith for a long time.

* "what is the rarest drop in the game and how long would it take to grind for it?"

~ From Mint

Hello there, Mint. I cannot give many details on that as I like keeping secrets out there, but there is an item underneath the Keedbalt Kingdom that is dropped by a certain type of creature. This item has a one in a million chance of being obtained after defeating said creature. Aside from that, as I said before, I would list off more sensible "rarest drops" but I'd rather not. I will let the players such as yourself come to the conclusion on this one.

~ End of the Mail ~

Thank you for your questions, I know it was a very small amount but this will serve as an introduction to the mailbag. Now that everyone knows they can submit mail and have it featured here there is going to be much more to read soon! Have a wonderful Christmas, Crescent Knights.

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  Crescent Quest 1.6.7 - Christmas Event 2023
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-02-2023, 03:14 PM - Forum: Update Notes - No Replies

Here are the update notes for Crescent Quest version 1.6.7.

* Merry, jolly, and holy Christmas! Crescent Knights, will you be joining us after spending time with your friends, family, and soul mate? If you don't have any of those things, the time will come, fret not. This years Christmas event is now active and you can access it in Cressora Town through the usual portal. Speaking of the portal you can access the item distribution and receive a Festive Jolly Pendant, it will be discontinued / unobtainable after the event so make sure to obtain it before the event ends if you desire it!

* Like all prior events, the Christmas event quests, cosmetics, and so from previous years are all returning with a few added touches. How about obtaining a few festive keys and visiting Santa's gift sleigh for a chance at a few rare event items? You can get festive keys from the imps under the ice crystal in the lake on New Cressora after entering the event portal.

* Made the train next to Eirafyl Town accessible in the Keedbalt Station, it will now take you to two new areas. These new areas are for later updates, there's not much to see or do in them yet except explore.

* Fixed an oversight with one of the Christmas wallpapers.

* Added two limited time pets, Festiva the Bunny and Festivo the Rabbit. These will not be discontinued and will be able to be obtained every year around December.

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  How to verify that you are 18+ years or older.
Posted by: TimeLierG - 12-02-2023, 08:28 AM - Forum: Verify that you are an adult 18+ here! - No Replies

Hello Companions, here is how you can verify that you are a legal adult 18+ years of age, you must verify me personally or another site staff (head companion) a photo of your legal birth date, this can be a drivers license, government ID, or something else of your records. We will never share this information with third parties. All rules and terms of the registration section of the site shown to all new users upon registering to TimeLierG Companions are in place.

Once you verify that you are the age of eighteen (18+) or older you may access the adult section and adult content this site has to offer which is submitted by other users. If you are unverified you cannot access any adult content on this website and forum, thank you for staying with us!

Note, all users have a badge signifying that they are verified or unverified.


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