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Real Furries vs Poser / Fake Furries - Printable Version

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Real Furries vs Poser / Fake Furries - TimeLierG - 02-21-2023

This is what I've been talking about regarding these fake furries who call themselves furs but aren't. They may have a fursona but that doesn't make them a furry. My fursona is who I am, it's me and it will always be me for eternity, my fursona is my soul and myself. To add to this, I wear my fursuit a lot, real furries don't have to but it's just something I do as it's a very spiritual thing for me. When I first started designing my fursona in 2011, before I even knew how to do pixel art or draw, it took me a long time to finalize the design, to suit myself spiritually and perfectly. The same can be said for the early furries back in the 2000s. We feel at home with ourselves and who we are.
We must gatekeep our own communities, or else we will alienate ourselves and have our furry culture stolen. We cannot let fake furries redefine what being furry is, we cannot let them turn our culture and communities into a mockery of what it once was, so we will do what we can legally and lawfully and gatekeep our own places, archive everything.

RE: Real Furries vs Poser / Fake Furries - TimeLierG - 03-12-2023

Just as I predicted many years ago and in more recent times as well there is now an intentional surge of non-furs and groups who don't know what furries even are getting involved in our communities. There is now "fursona drawing events" happening at certain colleges with what I assume to be fake furries wearing fursuits being brought in to said colleges. This is on top of the proof that teachers are forcing students to, and I quote, "be furries" by doing things that have nothing to do with being a furry such as wearing animal ears to classes and the third thing is now all over the controlled media they are claiming that "furries want to be an F in the LGBT".

ALL OF THIS IS A STUNT TO RUIN OUR COMMUNITIES. They have done this before using other races and sexualities for their own gain and you know very well as much as me who I mean when I say "their" and "they". I mention them on other platforms because if I mention them on here our site may get taken down. They created the LGBT to cause a divide with natural gay people and people who were groomed into thinking they are gay, it's no different than us furries being targeted by them. They will continue to try to start a rise out of us, to try to make us go "mainstream". I don't know how many times I have to say this, it doesn't matter what communities you are in, gatekeep your communities! Don't let posers / pretenders enter your communities, verify that someone is who they say they are. Someone who "became a furry" due to a college / school "draw a fursona" session IS NOT A FURRY! Losers running around chanting to be part of the LGBT are not furries. People wearing leather animal masks are not furries.

I'm not sure why "they" chose to target us, it could be due to our high spirituality and morale or we are just the last group who they didn't try to corrupt fully yet. This is a part of why I archive so much, these fake furries never seen the 2000s furry communities and were never a part of it, they don't know our passion and spirituality, how cozy and close everyone was back then. I have missed the earlier days as I was born in 1997 and I became a furry in 2011, but I've seen it all. People have and the silent majority of furries still do have a close bond with themselves, their fursona spiritually. Who they portray themselves as. Have you seen early furry art? A lot of it is pure soul. I will continue to preserve the past and archive where I can, it is my duty to do so, this doesn't just include furry communities either, I archive what some call the "golden age" of the internet, before everything and all communities became corrupted.

RE: Real Furries vs Poser / Fake Furries - TimeLierG - 09-06-2024

Here's a post I made last year, https://x.com/TimeLierG/status/1727448086086070518.
Google trends is no different for the word "furry" also, use archives to show that this neo leftist ideology and these new furs didn't exist prior to 2014.