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Crescent Quest 1.7.8
Hello, Crescent Knights. I've been updating the game every month so far but I will be slowing down on updates after this one, I have two other projects I have been working on so I will be very busy! Shall we proceed with the update notes for Crescent Quest 1.7.8?

*Removed any prior events that were still ongoing.

* Removed a few experimental features and replaced the items from said features with other items. It saddens me that I could not add some of these, it had to do with item and Chyfrinx transferring to those other projects I mentioned. Maybe some day.

* Added a new town north of Eirafyl, it's not complete yet but at least you can get some Statue Remnants.
* Added more characters and things to see in Myrevane.

* Added an "Inspect" option under key items, allows you to read a longer description of an item. This is still being worked on and not all items can be inspected. Once used a prompt will open and you must write the item you want to inspect with all capital letters and with no spaces. You can inspect consumables, armor, quest items, and more.

* Added Cresanctus Stones around the world of Reltionus. You can travel between these stone platforms after the Cresanctus Legend quest. I will most likely alter the design of these stones, they are a bit too big, bright and they clash with certain areas.

* Hardcore Mode changes include an increase in damage taken and a lowered chance of dodging a move.

* Renamed all of the "travel" spells to "teleport" spells.

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