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Why is the media trying to popularize us?
An update here, I'm noticing more and more folks realizing that things aren't right, something happened since the 2000s, as I said above it feels like things really started to change around 2014 and is rapidly increasing with furries being displayed everywhere, at coffee shops, colleges (having fursona creation clubs), someone just posted an image the other day showing furry attire, specifically shirts being sold at Hot Topic and Spencers, the shirts at Spencers had the text "Feral and Horny", it's like they are mocking us. The shirts themselves displayed a fursona in the middle, I have no evidence of this so it's not confirmed but I wonder if it is stolen from someone.

This feels like an open mockery and attack on us, so normies see it and say, "look they are all perverted just like the media said!" as well as having the secondary effect of having some of the normies think it's "cool" and pretending to be one of us, joining our communities only to ruin and degrade them and us but we won't let it happen. Always gatekeep. Remember how nerd culture went away back in the day due to everyone getting into nerdy things? It's similar to that but so much worse as this isn't just a hobby for some of us, it's a very spiritual thing, and even if some viewed it as just a hobby it's just as bad cause it's a total loss of our culture. I feel like locking our site here and being more restrictive on who can enter due to this, it's disgusting and I will refuse to let a day happen where our culture is completely ruined by these unwanted posers. I will ensure that this site remains secure.

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RE: Why is the media trying to popularize us? - by TimeLierG - 06-04-2024, 09:18 AM

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